
Netherlands: DOC lost 180m kg of milk

Date: 10.08.2020Source: Boerderij


Due to the loss of members and lower milk deliveries, turnover of DOC Kaas 2019 fell by more than € 65m to € 211m. The cooperative lost 20% of its members last year. As a result, and due to the drought, the raw milk intake and also the turnover shrank considerably. This is shown in the annual report of the cooperative.

At the end of last year, DOC Kaas had about 665 members, 167 fewer than the previous year. In 2012-2013 DOC Kaas still had around 1,300 members. The cooperative reports that the loss of members occurred at the beginning of 2019. At that time it was possible to make a change without negative financial consequences for the departing farm. During the transfers 182m kg of milk were taken away.

DOC Kaas collected 614m kilos of milk last year.

In the foreword to the annual report, cooperative chairman Arjan Schimmel explains that the cooperative is very satisfied with the merger with DMK. There is confidence in the DMK course. It is expected that the changes at DMK will soon bear fruit for DOC Kaas as well.



Roland Sossna / IDM

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