
EHEDG call for participation

Date: 15.05.2023Source: EHEDG

It’s been 5 years since the second edition of the EHEDG Guideline 28: ‘Safe and Hygienic Treatment, Storage and Distribution of Water in Food and Beverage Factories’ was launched. EHEDG says its now time to re-visit the document in accordance with their 5-year review policy and opens a new round of “Call for Experts”.

This Guideline is meant to provide guidance on hygienic and safety-related issues concerning water management (sourcing, storage, and distribution) and provides recommended practices for two water categories used in the food industry: product water, and utility water. Furthermore, it summarises appropriate practices for controlling Legionella in water systems.

If you would like to join, reach out to office@ehedg.org or to Anett Winkler at Anett_winkler@cargill.com, the EHEDG Water Management Working Group Chair, by the 2nd of June.





Roland Sossna / IDM

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