
Maximising coding & marking reliability

Date: 18.07.2024Source: LEIBINGER

LEIBINGER, supplier of coding & marking technology, offers an air dryer feature, which counteracts high humidity and extreme temperatures to ensure the best printing results in challenging production environments. Thsi technology offers benefits for marking food that is pre-cooked and filled during production.
Continuous inkjet printers (CIJ) use a continuous ink jet to print best-before dates, texts, codes or other markings. Conventional printers can cause condensation on the print head if the humidity is very high. Humidity can also affect both the inks’ viscosity and drying time. A solution developed by LEIBINGER with an integrated air dryer prevents this from happening and guarantees the inks’ adhesion and rapid drying – along with seamless, smooth operation.

In short, the LEIBINGER air dryer draws in the humid ambient air, removes the moisture from it and directs the resulting dry air into the print head. This ensures a dry environment in the print head, in contrast to the surrounding production environment.

Roland Sossna / IDM

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