The general assembly of Austrian Gmundner Molkerei has just voted in favour of a merger with Milchwerke Jäger from Haag in Upper Bavaria. This was announced by the cooperative. Details will follow later, as the Austrian Federal Competition Authority still has to approve the deal.
Gmundner Molkerei has already been cooperating with the Jäger dairy at the Gmunden site since the beginning of 2021: The mozzarella specialist Jäger produces pasta filata products there, and Gmundner Molkerei provides the staff and the building. Jäger has already been active in the Austrian dairy market for 20 years. The new joint venture will have about 800 employees and about 3,000 dairy farms and will process about 800m kg of raw milk in the future.
Originally, a merger with SalzburgMilch had been considered in Gmunden. In April, however, an offer from Milchwerke Jäger burst in the middle of the negotiations. The management preferred this option to the Austrian solution, which would have made the new company the second largest milk processor in the country after Berglandmilch.