
Emmi Roth inaugurates new cheese plant in the US

Date: 30.11.2023Source: Emmi

Emmi Roth, a US subsidiary, opened a state-of-the-art facility in Stoughton, Wisconsin yesterday to process and assemble cheese in a resource-efficient manner.
Yesterday, Emmi Roth inaugurated a state-of-the-art facility in Stoughton, Wisconsin, covering an area of over 14,600 square meters, where cheese is processed and packaged in a resource-saving manner. Emmi is thus systematically expanding its position in the US cheese specialty market and also creating additional sales opportunities for imported Swiss cheese.

Emmi Roth operates three production facilities in the state of Wisconsin and serves customers from the trade and food service nationwide with high-quality, locally produced and from Switzerland imported specialty cheeses. Since the acquisition of Athenos, the number 1 in the US feta market, in 2021, Emmi Roth has successfully exploited synergies in market development and distribution. This increased the need to expand processing and sales capacities. The new location increases internal value creation, which in turn strengthens Emmi Roth’s innovative strength and agility in the market.

The internal processing and packaging of cheese also increases efficiency and simplifies the processing and logistics process. As a result, the transport routes can be reduced by half and the internal greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced accordingly. Emmi is thus supporting the plant, which is powered by electrical energy, on its reduction path for netZERO 2050. In addition, around 125 new jobs will be created at the site.

Roland Sossna / IDM

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