
DMK members get angry

Date: 14.01.2021Source: IDM


Members of DMK’s farmers’ committees have launched a signature campaign. In it, cooperative members are encouraged to send a pre-written letter with milk price demands to the company. The letter is entitled “DMK representatives / DMK milk producers exercise their right to a say and their responsibility” and names a milk price of 34c plus surcharges as the minimum demand for 2021. This is an increase of 12.5% over the previous year. In addition, the milk price should not fall below 30c in any month. If one of these two demands is not achieved, DMK is to pay out 20% of the business shares to the farmers. However, these shares would have to be contributed back later.

The letter goes on to demand a modernisation of supply relations, saying that the current practice of “the milk is collected by the dairy at prices that are not clearly defined” must be changed as a matter of urgency. In view of DMK’s milk price performance, a close look at the balance sheets / finances by an independent auditor should also have to be carried out. Neighbouring dairy Molkerei Ammerland is cited as proof that higher milk prices are possible. Another demand is that at least one farmer from the representatives’ assembly or from the grassroots level without an elected mandate should be present at price negotiations with food retailers.

Roland Sossna / IDM

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