for more complex installations, with a
higher risk of fouling (feed stream more
likely to cause fouling and high volumetric
concentration factor (VCF)).
3. ENZY+GOLD: concentrated
solutions of multiple enzymes for very
complex installations which have very
frequent losses in yield (feed stream
causes high fouling and very high VCF).
The Realco enzymatic products will also
bring the following benefits:
• Cleaning at a lower temperature,
from 35 °C to maximum 45 °C.
• Cleaning less aggressively than
with conventional products (pH
9 vs. pH 11,5), ensuring a longer
lifetime of the membranes.
• Removing or significantly reducing
the use of chlorine
• Improve microbiological levels
• Prevent biofilm contaminations
Once implemented, these tailor-made
products and cleaning procedures can recover
in full the initial membrane flux and
increase the production rate up to 30%.
By targeting accurately, the fouling
present in the equipment with a tailormade
cleaning process, the POP approach
offers an increase in productivity, decrease
in costs in terms of water, energy,
and membranes by replacing conventional
chemical products with sustainable
Business case
Type of production: dairy
Membrane type: RO
Year: 2020
Description: The 14-months old membrane
filters were ready to be changed as
they were completely fouled. They were
cleaned with a non-Realco enzymatic
cleaner based on protease.
Problem identified: The Performance
Optimization Program has allowed us
to identify biofilm and fat fouling in the
membrane installations.
Solution: The customer starts using a Realco
enzymatic product only 10 days after
the diagnosis. Due to a major recovery in
water flux and production performance
which was sustained, the order of new
membranes was then cancelled.
May/June 2021 ¦ · 43