Reliable Treatment for Dairy Effluents
Wastewaters from the dairy industry are as diverse as the range
of products itself. It is advantageous to treat those effluents
with a process combination particularly designed for the
respective effluent type and treatment objective.
A good plant constructor thus offers a wide range of treatment
solutions to find the most economical solution for the different
treatment challenges.
Since 1982, WEHRLE sets benchmarks as pioneer and technology
leader for the treatment of very difficult and complex
wastewaters. The wide range of available process technologies
allows intelligent process combinations to fulfil the requirements
and expectations of the client in the best possible way. Not
only the technical solution but also the best possible costeffectiveness
of the plant is thus a priority to us.
WEHRLE consults, plans and builds plants and also offers
corresponding services such as piloting, efficiency optimisation
and retrofit of existing plants.
Especially for applications in the industry also factors beyond
the used technology are important: a reliable performance in
case of possible variations of wastewater volume and loads in
the industry (e.g. caused by seasonal production or changes
of product lines) and by all climate conditions, as well as a
modular design for future upgrades of the production and
easiest operation, to enable a simple outsourcing of the plant
operation. The stable high effluent quality of WEHRLE plants
allows an easy, optional upgrading, e.g. to use the treated water
for reuse and to save costs for process water, heat energy and
possible softening.
Aerobic Treatment of Dairy Wastewater by a Practical
Containerized Plant
WEHRLE Umwelt GmbH
Robert Körner
Head of Division Marketing & Strategic Sales
Tel.: +49 7641 585-257
koerner@wehrle-umwelt.com, www.wehrle-umwelt.com
The treatment of production wastewater from ice cream
production containing calcium using the anaerobic
high-performance BIODIGAT®-SB reactor saves costs by
avoiding surplus sludge.