IDM ¦ News
Vacuum handling optimizes processes
From ingredient handling to packaging
of yoghurts to heavy blocks
of cheese – vacuum handling technology
can in many ways help to
optimize processes along the dairy
industry value chain. Be it by increasing
efficiency, reducing energy
consumption, or improving process
Well-known dairy brands from
Northern Europe to Down Under
and across to South America trust
in Piab solutions when it comes
to handling processes. The mix of
products is always different – the
solutions are always based on Piab’s
highly efficient vacuum technology.
Starting from the question of
how to quickly and reliably transfer
powders like moisture-absorbing
whey and non-free-flowing starch
in a hygienic efficient way – a task
easily achieved by Piab’s premium
vacuum conveyor the piFLOW®p.
The reliability and efficiency concerns
have been met with fluidization
integrated into the powdering
stations fitted with the piFlOW p
vacuum conveyors, allowing starch
Handling blocks of cheese with Piab’s vacuum technology (photo: Piab)
and whey to flow more freely from
the vacuum receiver.
To further support employee
health and safety Piab’s vacuum lifters
like the industry 4.0 ready piLIFT
SMART can assist workers in lifting
heavy bags to feed stations reducing
back injuries and sick days – helping
to work with ease.
In automated handling processes of
dairy producs clogging of the equipment
due to traces getting into the
assembly can be a major issue causing
22 · September/October 2020 ¦
unreliable picking of containers
requiring frequent cleaning. Replacing
mechanical pumps with vacuum
pumps based on Piab’s patented
COAX multiejector technology, decreases
downtime due to maintenance
substantially, as they are not
as prone to clogging from, easier
to clean and fitted with simple to
replace components. As an additional
benefit, Piab’s vacuum pumps
reduce air consumption due to far
lower pressure required to achieve
the same flow. With Piab’s latest industry
4.0 ready piCOMPACT SMART
all process data can be collected,
connected, and analysed to establish
predictive maintenance routines for
further process stabilization.
When handling large amounts of
yoghurt cups or similar at high cycle
speeds the quality of the suction
cups used can make an impressive
difference. Changing from initially
cheap to Piab’s high quality Duraflex
® suction cups can reduce the
overall cost even though the initial
per cup investment may be higher,
because they last longer. Further
savings due to less maintenance
needed and the ability of making
full use of the robot potential add
to this as does the increased process
reliability reducing product damages.
Duraflexsuction cups are extremely durable for long run- and low-down times
(photo: Piab)